Redmond Accounting Inc

inbox mail

How to Fix Inbox Overload and Tidy Up Your Email











Is your email out of control?  You may be suffering from INBOX OVERLOAD!  No matter how much you try, does it always fill right back up?


There is another way, it’s called Yesterbox.  The concept was created by Tony Hsieh CEO of  His idea is that you should wait to tackle all your email, the day after you receive it, first thing in the morning.  After you deal with email, then you do not check your email again until the following day if the email can wait 48 hours without causing harm.  You schedule a specific time to go through your email , but if you need more time to investigate an issue further, then you schedule a task to respond to that email later on.

If this sounds like something you might want to try, you can read all about it at


Using portals enables you to manage the client communications better and incorporate it into your workflow if necessary.  For example…a client request for new work could log itself directly on your task list.  A client invoice could be paid and updated directly to your accounting system.

Portals also allow you to manage documents more seamlessly, and with better security than exchanging via email when clients can log on and access what they need when they need it without interrupting you. 

Workflow Management

The best scenario would be for your email inbox and your portal to integrate with your To Do list.  This allows you to be in control of your workday by working on the tasks that you have scheduled in the proper order, based on their priority.  We use AERO Workflow Management app which integrates with our Gmail and our Customer Portal.  Emails are posted directly into our ToDo list so that we can track time associated to reading emails, responding to emails, and performing the work requested by the emails.  In addition, the communication associated to the emails is captured so that other members of the team may access and search for information pertinent to their work.   Additionally, when customers order services from us, the task is automatically posted on our list of work to do.  This all makes for a more organized and efficient flow of work and communication.