Redmond Accounting Inc

20190600 top CAS 600p

RAI wins top award!

RAI wins top award!

Last week we were awarded Top Client Accounting Services ProAdvisor by Insightful Accountant (IA). IA is an industry news organization. Their annual awards are announced each year at the Scaling New Heights accounting technology conference, an internationally-renowned, in-depth training conference for accountants and other small business advisors. The first year IA awarded these titles in 2014, we won Leading QuickBooks Online Practice.

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What is Client Accounting Services (CAS)?

Yesterday I spoke to a business owner who was confused by the varying services offered by different accounting firms. Think about it this way. One engineer builds software; another builds bridges. One attorney works in civil legalities; another pursues criminal cases. The accounting profession also has specialties such as Tax, Audit and CAS.

CAS is the equivalent of a business’ accounting department, performed by an accounting firm. CAS practice is one of the fastest growing in the profession. Progressive firms perform day-to-day accounting functions so you don’t have to carry the burden of staffing, supplying, hiring and managing an accounting team.

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