Redmond Accounting Inc


Using and Troubleshooting Expensify

Expensify support – 2/21/18 —


  • Company Credit Card receipts
  • merging expenses
  • deleting expenses
  • Uber Tips
  • expense rules (account settings > expense rules)
  • turn off auto-submit
  • smart scanning (account settings > smart scanning)
  • co-pilot
  • Before submitting for reimbursement
  • integrate uber:
  • Receipt Etiquette


Company Credit Card Receipts

held in a new report called “Reimburse…” until the CCC charge posts at the bank and downloads to Expensify whereupon the two will merge; if you need to submit the report, remove those charges first

Proper process for company credit card receipts:

  • User makes a purchase and sends receipt to Expensify immediately
  • Expensify smart scans the receipt (either smart scan is turned on in user’s account or user clicks button to smart scan the receipt)
  • Expensify adds this new purchase as an expense to a new or existing open report…waiting for reimbursement.
  • IF a company credit card was used for the purchase, Expensify will notice the last 4 digits of the card used for payment on the receipt and makes a note with a red exclamation point that it is a potential match for a company credit card charge. It can’t match it yet
  • Usually the next business day, the status of the charge changes from “pending” to “posted” at the credit card financial institution
  • Posted charges download to Expensify and match to the corresponding receipts, moving it out of the open reimbursable report and into the non-reimbursable credit card report, merged with the downloaded charge from the bank.
  • NOTE: IF you need to submit the reimbursable report, remove the receipts awaiting merge to company credit card charges before submitting.
  • NOTE: Alternatively, send the receipt to Expensify after a few days and it should auto-match to the expense in the company credit card report AND NOT sit in an open reimbursable report waiting for the charge to post & download to Expensify.


Uber Tips

Uber issues receipt and charges card for amount of trip (immediately, without tip). The receipt for trip adds & matches bank download in Expensify properly.
If user later rates & tips driver, Uber then issues a 2nd receipt and charges card for the amount of tip. The receipt for the tip adds & matches bank download in Expensify properly.


Before Submitting for Reimbursement

Things to review before clicking that submit button!

  • look for merges
  • look for deletes
  • make sure no purchases paid by company credit card
    • look for locked ccc icon
    • look for red flags for cc download duplicate

Receipt Etiquette

Make sure receipt has a date, merchant name & amount.  Do not just send a travel itinerary or packing slip without total charges.

Send one receipt at a time, do not send a summary or statement of several charges.