Redmond Accounting Inc

laura accepting QBO award

Award-Winning “Leading QBO Practice”

Award-Winning “Leading QBO Practice”

We’ve returned from our 5th annual Scaling New Heights accounting technology conference.  This year’s event was held in San Antonio, TX.  Over 1200 accounting professionals gathered to learn, share and improve our businesses and services.


QBO Pro / Redmond Accounting was awarded the “Leading QBO Practice” for 2014.  Industry journal, Intuitive Accountant, kick-started a search for the best-of-the-best of 100,000 accounting professionals in Intuit’s ProAdvisor Program.  The Top 100 were selected by ProAdvisors voting for their peers.  Intuitive Accountant’s senior staff further narrowed the results by measuring votes and weighing objective criteria to select the Top 10.  As early adopters of cloud accounting technology and QuickBooks Online, this win is especially sweet for us here at QBO Pro / Redmond Accounting!

Laura Redmond, founder QBO Pro, Jim McGinnis, Vice President Intuit, Luis Sanchez, Global Leader Intuit ProAdvisor Program
Laura Redmond, founder QBO Pro, Jim McGinnis, Vice President Intuit, Luis Sanchez, Global Leader Intuit ProAdvisor Program

As if that weren’t exciting enough, we were then also awarded the Method Solution Provider of the Year award.  More about that here.  We spend a lot of time working to automate manual processes for our clients using both QuickBooks Online and Method CRM.  It is especially rewarding to be recognized for our effort by partners we greatly respect.

Laura Redmond awarded Method Solution Provider of the Year award
Laura Redmond awarded Method Solution Provider of the Year award


This year we attended great sessions on advanced accounting topics and business development strategies.  In addition, we also taught sessions.  We enjoy sharing our knowledge and experience with others.

Laura Redmond teaching QuickBooks Online
Laura Redmond teaching QuickBooks Online

Laura Redmond taught a 3-part “QuickBooks Online Certification” track that culminated in a certification exam allowing many attendees to leave the room certified!  Laura also taught “QuickBooks Online Tips, Tricks and Custom Processes” and “QuickBooks Online at Year End” sessions.  As accounting moves to the cloud, these sessions are gaining in popularity.

Laura Redmond teaching QuickBooks Online
Laura Redmond teaching QuickBooks Online


The best part about attending conferences like Scaling New Heights is networking with colleagues and solution providers.  This community is all about sharing.  We brainstorm ideas, contribute resources, and create solutions.  We hear from special guests and industry leaders.  Frank Abignale, of “Catch Me if You Can” fame taught us about best practices for fraud prevention.  Luis Sanchez, Intuit’s Global Leader of the ProAdvisor Program, laid out their goals for the future and interviewed Laura Redmond and Marnie Stretch about their practices.


Luis Sanchez, Global Leader of Intuit's ProAdvisor Program, interviews Marnie Stretch and Laura Redmond at June 17th's Keynote session at Scaling New Heights in San Antoinio, TX
Luis Sanchez, Global Leader of Intuit’s ProAdvisor Program, interviews Marnie Stretch and Laura Redmond at June 17th’s Keynote session at Scaling New Heights in San Antoinio, TX

Intuit CEO and President, Brad Smith’s perspective is focused on the future and moving to the cloud, “It can happen to you, or through you—it’s your choice.”

Intuit CEO and President, Brad Smith
Intuit CEO and President, Brad Smith

Strolling through the vendor hall you find vendors whose very existence is aimed at automating accounting and business processes for small businesses — from inventory to business planning, paying bills, time tracking and expense reimbursement.  In the center is Intuit, the hub.  As reported by Accounting Today, “they process 40 percent of the nation’s tax returns, one in 12 Americans are paid by QuickBooks payroll, and they are the fifth-largest bank in the nation, based on bank data.”  Intuit calls itself a 30 year old start-up and they show that with continuous innovation and collaboration.  Intuit staff were in attendance in force, asking for feedback and striving to develop solutions to “simplify the business of life”.  We were glad to be a part of it.