Redmond Accounting Inc

the client intake process

How Effective is Your Client Intake Process?

How Effective is Your Client Intake Process?

Law firms never reply to 64% of voicemail leads that are sent to them. Why? One reason is that many firms – and businesses in general – lack a robust client intake process that saves them time and money.

And, whether you’re starting a new firm or have been running one for a long time, it’s never too early or too late to implement the best practices we’ll share with you.

If you follow these practices, you’ll:

  • Improve client satisfaction
  • Reduce many client questions
  • Save time and resources

One of the things we recommend, even if you’re just getting started with your firm’s accounting, is to create or adapt your client intake process ASAP. If your process is flawless, it will alleviate so much stress on you, your team and the client.  

Best Practices for a Strong Client Intake Process

You’re introducing a new client to your firm and you want to make a good first impression. Right? If you spend time working through these best practices, you’ll develop a repeatable process that you and your workforce can follow.

Document Your Processes

If you’re not already, you need to begin documenting your processes. Many firm owners handle everything on their own, but if you’re not documenting processes, your staff will not be able to repeat them.

Document your intake:

  • Policies
  • Procedures

And, we recommend going above and beyond with this step. You want to write down every last thing that you can so that anyone can step in and take over the client intake process.

On top of this, your client intake process needs to have clear, concise language. You want your intake forms to be free from:

  • Complex legal jargon
  • Technical terms

We recommend that you have someone overlook your entire intake process and provide feedback on what can be better. If you spend enough time on the documenting portion of this best practice list, it will serve your firm for years to come.

Implement a Pre-Screening Process

Is every client a great fit for your firm? No. You’ll find some clients demand all of your time, attention and resources. Adding a pre-screening process into your client intake process will allow you to:

  1. Determine if a client is a good fit for you
  2. Understand if you lack the resources for a specific client

If you pre-screen clients, it will help you work with more clients you love and less that you don’t.

Listen and Take Notes During the Initial Consult

During your initial consults with potential clients, make sure that you do two important things: listen and document. 

The initial consult is an opportunity to start building a rapport with clients and understand their problems. Asking questions will help you get a clear picture of how you can help them. 

At the end of your consults, add your notes to your CRM for easy referencing in the future.

Ensure Clients Understand Your Fees

Your client intake process should also include discussions about your fees. Make sure that clients understand your billing process, your fee structure, and when and how they will pay. 

Be upfront and honest about your pricing and billing so that clients know what to expect. Payments will likely come more quickly if everyone is on the same page. 

Leverage Technology to Streamline Processes

Technology can streamline and improve your client intake process through automation. Along with saving you time and money, technology can also help reduce the risk of errors and keep all of your client’s data in easy reach.

There are several ways firms can use technology to speed up the intake process:

  • Automate engagement agreements to ensure consistency across the board and to save time
  • Offer e-signatures to make it easier and more convenient for clients to sign documents
  • Add clients to your CRM and accounting software for easy billing and client management from the get-go

Technology can speed up and improve your client intake process, but make sure you have solid documentation of your processes to avoid confusion (we discussed the importance of documenting your processes earlier).

Track the Intake Process for Each Client

Tracking also plays an important role in a strong client intake process. Make sure that you have a way to track where potential clients are in the intake process, so you can follow up in a timely manner. 

One last thing: make it a priority to provide excellent customer service and to respond promptly when potential clients reach out. By following these best practices, you’ll help build trust, and your quick response times will demonstrate your commitment to your clients.

Final Thoughts

A strong client intake process can save your firm time and money while setting up new client relationships for success. Start by documenting your processes and developing a solid pre-screening process. From here, you can hold your initial consultation and get the ball rolling on building your relationship.  To learn more about growing your law firm or how we can help you with your accounting needs, schedule a consultation now!