Time Travel is Here
Over 5.6 million customers globally use QuickBooks Online (QBO). Keeping that data secure is a top priority for Intuit, the makers of QBO. QuickBooks Online automatically backs up your data with the same level of security used by banks and financial institutions. Whenever there are changes to your QBO data, it is saved in multiple locations on Intuit’s servers to protect your data.
But what if you want to download your database on a local drive? Or what if you make a big mess of things and want to restore your data to the way it was…say, last week? Or what if you want to copy your data to a new QBO subscription? There’s no functionality in QBO that allows you to do any of that.
Meet ChronoBooks. ChronoBooks is an app that connects to QuickBooks Online (QBO) and stores every change that you make in QBO within minutes, including attachments. So far, same as QBO. Here’s where ChronoBooks adds value. These continuous backups are cataloged and available via ChronoBooks’ online app. You can download a local backup… or better yet you can schedule local backups to Dropbox or Google Drive.
But wait, there’s more. ChronoBooks also includes the ability to restore your QBO database to any time since it’s been backed up. A mistake can be reversed almost immediately. As if in a sci-fi movie, users can travel back in time by restoring accounting data to a backup point of their choice. Warning: If errors were entered along with good, dependable data…when you roll-back, you may lose and have to re-enter that good data again.

Another feature of ChronoBooks is the ability to copy data to a new QBO subscription. Perhaps you want to invite someone to access your books as of last fiscal year-end, without giving them access to the current live version of your QBO data. Copy the data from that restore point into a new QBO subscription and invite the user. There are also training use cases for copying databases to a new QBO subscription. Copying data from one QBO subscription to another is a free service on this app; users only pay per QBO company being backed up not per company in general.
ChronoBooks creates peace of mind for QBO users.
Note: Most data is included in ChronoBooks backups, but the app is, of course, limited by what is allowed by factors such as Intuit’s API, so be sure to review the details on what is backed up and restored.
Reduce your accounting workload so you have more time for everything else. Schedule a 15-minute call with us.
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