Redmond Accounting Inc

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The case for going paperless

The case for going paperless

Paper documents are vulnerable. Paper is fragile and subject to damage through fire and flooding, and physical documents are easily stolen. Digital documents stored in the cloud, on the other hand, are secure and can be backed up to multiple different locations automatically.

Paper documents also cost too much in labor — filing, searching for and re-creating when lost. Converting a paper-based filing system to an electronic document management system (DMS) can add up to some serious savings.

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An online DMS allows you to control access to documents and most can provide you with an audit log so you can see who has viewed and edited the document – and even recover a previous version. The same cannot be said of paper documents.

Electronic documents can be viewed and edited from computers, tablets, and phones by multiple people at the same time. And, those people don’t have to be in the same room – or even the same part of the world.

Many businesses devote 50-70% of their office space to filing and storage of documentation. On average, nearly half of the files in filing cabinets are duplicated information, and 80% are never accessed again. Need we say more?

Does a paperless business really mean that you’ll never see another piece of paper? Probably not. I still love a Moleskine and a post-it.  But it does mean that you are committed to eliminating or greatly reducing the use of paper in your company, either by digitizing paper as soon as you receive it or creating workflows that eliminate paper entirely.

RAI went paperless in 2007 and never looked back. That’s over a decade of working electronically. We’ve got lots of tips and tricks to share with you! Get started by using QuickBooks’ new receipt capture. And when you’re ready, download this complete guide for all the details on how to transition to a paperless business.

Reduce your accounting workload so you have more time for everything else. Schedule a 15-minute call with us.