Redmond Accounting Inc


Simplifying Bill Creation With’s IVA

Simplifying Bill Creation With’s IVA

Did you know that has simplified the payment process? Not only that, they have made it even smarter which saves you time and is more efficient, through their added feature, Intelligent Virtual Assistant (IVA). 


How does the IVA work?

Basically, the IVA has built in artificial intelligence (AI) that begins the bill creation process as soon as an invoice hits your inbox! The AI built into the IVA detects pertinent information from the invoice to assist you in expediting the bill management process. The IVA continuously learns from the various invoice formats received into your inbox and continues extracting the data at greater speeds and accuracy allowing you to have a more efficient bill payment process. 

Additional IVA Features

Auto Separate Functionality has a couple more features built into the IVA to speed up your bill creation process. Receiving multi page invoices just got easier. The IVA detects has the ability to identify individual invoices within the multi pages and splits each one separately. No more manual maneuvering to organize the invoices. Use the auto-separate feature and your invoice is appropriately split. How awesome is that!

1-Click Feature 

What’s the 1-click feature? Let us explain. The 1-click functionality diminishes the number of steps you have to take to save bills. This provides you the ability to save directly from your inbox with no extra steps. IVA shows you the captured details from your suggested bill in a preview screen. From here, you can choose to save with just one click. Or, if needed, you can easily make any necessary edits to update any fields within the bill and then save. 

Invoicing Made Easier


Leveraging IVA with the auto-separate and 1-click functionality allows you to work smarter, not harder. RAI is dedicated to fueling your success through automation and insight. We reduce your accounting workload so you have more time for everything else. Find a solution that saves you time by scheduling an appointment with us: LET’S MEET